Books & Brews Heads to Ireland with Renaissance Man Steve Downes

In September, Books & Brews headed to Ireland to meet Steve Downes. Steve is a contemporary Irish poet and novelist, currently living and working in Ireland. Educated in N.U.I. Maynooth, he holds a Degree in Classical History and a Masters in Cultural Anthropology.

Steve has published poetry; science fiction, including Cosmogonic Marbles, Temporal Tome, Gadzooks Armageddon  and Botolf Tales (the Botolf Chronicles), Warworld: Shadows & Dominions (part 1), Murder on the Alpha Centauri Express and The Deaths of Guner Zoon; and four children’s Books: The Upstairs Cat Series (3 books) & An Apprenticeship to Doctor Vantastic. 

Steve continues to write and publish work in many genres.

In 2017 & 2018 Steve exhibited from his collections of historical photographs, Lost Graveyards of Ireland (2017) and A Landscape For Yourself (2018).

Among other things, we talked about his painting, the IRA, angsty poetry, and…the world’s oldest maternity hospital!

00:00 START

05:26 Drink 1: Irish Coffee

12:28 Reading 1: chase & fight in Dublin

17:53 The Rotunda, world’s oldest maternity hospital

23:55 Why the Irish give Dublin’s statues…interesting…names

25:52 Tales of the IRA

33:01 Drink 2: The Love and Murder

38:21 Reading 2: Murder on the Alpha Centauri Express

42:07 On marketing

43:07 From high school dropout to a masters in classical history to sci-fi!

48:28 Drink 3: The Mission Impossible

51:57 Reading 3: Dr. Vantastic

55:43 Steve’s many genres

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  • Michael C. Keith, author of poetry, memoir, short stories, and novels


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