The Books & Brews Podcast is the place where literature and beer meet. Each month we welcome a new guest author to read and discuss their work. Author Laura Vosika leads in-depth interviews to delve into the motivations, inspirations and preoccupations of each guest. Certified Cicerone® Michael Agnew pours beers specifically selected to pair with the writer’s work. It’s an hour of entertaining erudition that hits your mind and your mouth.
Books & Brews began in 2017 as a monthly radio program on 950 AM in the Twin Cities. After a six-month run we went live at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore in the Galleria in Edina, Minnesota. Books & Brews LIVE! Featured four writers reading in front of a live audience who sampled beers as they listened and asked questions. Books & Brews LIVE was featured on WCCO TVs Mid-Morning show.
In 2019 Books & Brews moved to this podcast format. This allowed us to bring our unique content – writers, writing and craft beer pairings – to a wider audience. Tune in, taste along and get to know some amazing wordsmiths.
If you enjoy our interviews or have benefitted from them, we invite you to help us continue our work. It takes a great deal of time and money to produce Books and Brews. We’ve been doing interviews since January 2017 as a free service to authors. We continue to promote those authors on our social media for years after their interviews.
A $5 tip helps us pay for our many expenses: Libsyn hosting, web hosting, Google meets, providing the drinks for the interview and the many hours of preparation and editing that go into each episode.
* Patreon: patreon.com/BooksandBrewswithLauraVosikaandMichaelAgnew
* Tip Jar: paypal.me/booksandbrewsMN
* Books and Brews products: https://www.zazzle.com/store/books_an… (more to come)
*Sponsor an episode to promote your product or service: contact us booksandbrewslive@gmail.com

Andrew Coons

Scott van Koughnett
Owner of Eat My Words

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